
An Introduction to Git


Version Control

System that allows for tracking and management of changes

  • Creation or deletion of files
  • Any changes made to code
  • Annotation and tracing of changes by authors


Allows for experimentation without fear of hurting existing functionality

Independent Concurrent Work

Contributors work independent of others' concurrent changes; merge branches to combine work

Project Stability

Aids in well-defined and organized development process


Some Version Control Systems

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

  • Client-server model - server posses master copy
  • Users check out a complete copy from the server
  • Server only accepts changes from most recent changes to file
  • Last release in 2008

Subversion (SVN)

  • Client-server model
  • Matches/exceeds CVS features: atomic transactions, file locking


  • Distributed model - repository mirrored locally on every contributor's system
  • Extensions may be written in Python
  • Fast transactions due to lack of central server dependence


  • Distributed model
  • Fast and cheap transactions
  • Atomic transactions, file locking, tagging

    Status of files
  1. Untracked - file is not included in git
  2. Unstaged - file is under source control, but changes have not yet been staged
  3. Staged - file's changes have been saved in the staging area
  4. Committed - file's changes have been commited to repo

  • Installation

    Step-by-step walkthrough of Windows installation
  • Initialization

    Creating a git repository in a project
  • CLI Functions

    Staging, commiting, pulling, pushing, branching, etc.
  • Remotes

    Using remote services such as GitHub or GitLab

Verifying Installation

> git --version

E:\path\to\project\root> git --version
git version

Creating a Git Repository

> git init

E:\path\to\project\root> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in e:/path/to/project/root/.git/

Git Status

> git status

E:\path\to\project\root> git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
        modified:    path/to/file.ext
        new file:    path/to/file2.ext

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:    path/to/file3.ext

Adding Files

    The following commands are used to...
  • add untracked files to git
  • stage unstaged changes

> git add <file/dir>

> git add .


> git add index.html

> git add *.js

> git add directory

E:\path\to\project\root> git add script.js
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in script.js
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.

Committing Files

Commit changes to the git repository

> git commit // message editing ui

> git commit -m "<msg>" // oneliner

> git commit -message="<msg>"

E:\path\to\project\root> git commit -m "Initial commit."
[master d78736a] Initial commit.
  3 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

Summary messages should be clear and concise; verbalize changes in a couple of words
Follow, if necessary, with explanation of changes: what and why

Not all commits need a body

For more detailed information:

Viewing Commits

> git log

> git log --oneliner

> git log <branch_name>

> git log --author=<name>

E:\path\to\project\root> git log
commit d78736a93aea9ccf24b47b367bc0ed87f2d1ca48 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Eric Zhao <>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 00:00:05 20XX -0500

    One-line summary of changes

    A more detailed summarization of what changes were made and why they were
    made. Blah blah blah... blah blah blah...

commit 1b80ddb9ded8c3ec64a046c844573103f3393426
Author: Eric Zhao <>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 00:00:00 20XX -0500

    Initial commit

E:\path\to\project\root> git log --oneline
d78736a (HEAD -> master) One-line summary of changes.
1b80ddb Initial commit.


For completely dropping commits after the desired one:

> git reset --hard <commit>

E:\path\to\project\root> git reset --hard 1b80ddb
HEAD is now at 1b80ddb Initial commit



Creates new commit that patches out changes of given commits

Revert changes of given commits:

> git revert <commit_1> <commit_2> ...

Revert changes of range of commits:

> git revert <range_start>..<range_end>

E:\path\to\project\root> git revert HEAD~1..HEAD // remove changes of last
[master 8815c24] Revert "Make changes"
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)


Switches between branches or commits

> git checkout <commit_id> // working directory to match commit

> git checkout <branch_name> // checkout HEAD of branch


Create a new branch and switch to it:

> git checkout -b <branch_name>

Switch to a branch:

> git checkout <branch_name>

Delete a branch:

> git branch -d <branch_name>

E:\path\to\project\root> git checkout -b new_feature
Switched to a new branch 'new_feature'

E:\path\to\project\root> git add .

E:\path\to\project\root> git commit -m "This is a commit on the new_feature branch"
[new_feature db1acf4] This is a commit on the new_feature branch
 1 file changed, 16 insertion(+)

E:\path\to\project\root> git log
commit db1acf40273fc79d1258e8ef3384cbd05cd0cbbe (HEAD -> new_feature)
Author: Eric Zhao <>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 00:00:15 20XX -0500

    This is a commit on the new_feature branch

commit d7251dd0e242178bb4e33c63fae37fc0668d63d0 (master)
Author: Eric Zhao <>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 00:00:10 20XX -0500

    This is a commit on the master branch

E:\path\to\project\root> git checkout master

Merging Branches

Merge branch to current branch

> git merge <branch_name>

E:\path\to\project\root> git merge new_branch
Updating 6aea1e5..26a10d0
 ajwlkdjalkwjldjawkldj.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 ajwlkdjalkwjldjawkldj.txt

E:\path\to\project\root> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

E:\path\to\project\root> git branch -d new_branch

Remote Repositories

Repository mirrored on a remote server to enable collaboration


Defining Remotes

Adding Remotes

> git remote add <name> <https_link>

Removing Remotes

> git remote remove <name>

E:\path\to\project\root> git remote add origin

E:\path\to\project\root> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

E:\path\to\project\root> git remote remove origin

E:\path\to\project\root> git remote -v


Pushing and Pulling

Pushing commits to a remote

> git push <remote> <branch>

Pulling commits from a remote

> git pull <remote>

E:\path\to\project\root> git push origin master
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 312 bytes | 34.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
   c762e24..6aea1e5  master -> master

// files on remote become more recent due to some edits 

E:\path\to\project\root> git pull origin master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 jdaklwjdkljwakdj.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 jdaklwjdkljwakdj.txt

Pull Requests

Discuss and review changes before merging branches

Request contributors to pull your changes into their repository

More Things

Staging Files

These are the same:

> git add <file/dir>

> git stage <file/dir>

Removing Files

> git rm <file> // deletes from git and filesystem!

Recursive removal for directories: -r

Deletes from git, but keeps file --cached

For staged files or directories, add -f or --force, or first unstage

E:\path\to\project\root> dir

 Directory of E:\path\to\root

02/28/2019  20:46    <DIR>          .
02/28/2019  20:46    <DIR>          ..
02/28/2019  18:37                 7 .gitignore
02/28/2019  20:54            19,063 index.html
02/28/2019  20:46    <DIR>          test
                3 File(s)         22,101 bytes
                5 Dir(s)  635,638,149,120 bytes free

E:\path\to\project\root> git add test // test, its files, and subdirectories are now staged

E:\path\to\project\root> git rm -r -f --cached test // test, its files, and subdirectories are now untracked
rm 'test/test.txt'

Unstaging Changes

> git reset HEAD <filename>

> git reset <filename>

E:\path\to\project\root> git add file.txt

E:\path\to\project\root> git reset file.txt
Unstaged changes after reset:
M       index.html


> git tag <tag> <commit_id>

E:\path\to\project\root> git tag 1.0.0 d7251dd0e2

E:\path\to\project\root> git log
commit d7251dd0e242178bb4e33c63fae37fc0668d63d0 (HEAD -> master, tag: 1.0.0)
Author: Eric Zhao <>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 00:00:15 20XX -0500

    This is a commit on the master branch